Monday, May 17, 2010

Eagles Have Landed (Team wiTdom)

Eagles Have Landed (Team wiTdom)
Atul Sikrai - Sr Vice president & Head Equities .

RAshmi Shah - Asstn VP & Business Enhancer.

Minal Mehta- Marketing Officer.

Avani Parekh - Belief Officer

Owner @ Witdom Investment Advisory

Thursday, May 6, 2010


bulls make money , bears make money and pigs get slaughter
ATUL SIKRAI:... Beginning with doing business under a banyan tree, a group of 318 persons, formed the stock exchange in July 1875, which led to the ...
Equity’s : from trading under a banyan tree to touch screen…..
The Product that I love the most equities……..
We at witdom provide :
Market Commentary
Intraday trades
Derivative Pick
Stock Watch
Investment Pick
Fundamental Pick
Informed Gossip
Knowledge Bank

Our clients always say's “In wiTdom they trust “
Trust + knowledge + risk = gains
“money shouts wealth whispers “

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Revarsal of Fortunes.......

We face a dual challenge in terms of our finances - building wealth, and preserving ours wealth. It is this latter challenge that sets our clients apart from other investors.
I believe there is a major difference between rich and wealthy. The difference is in duration. How long does the money last? Will it be gone once the person's earning power is gone? Will it be passed on to future generations?
The difference between wealthy and rich is very simple. It's knowledge. Wealthy people know how to make money. Rich people only have money. Once you know how to make money, you can build sustainable wealth. The money never stops coming. If you have a reversal of fortune, it's not a big deal. You just make it back.
we list wisdom and knowledge as the two most important gifts to ask from God.
Wisdom and knowledge can create great wealth for anyone who desires it. Last week, a client of ours came to me and asked what he could do to create wealth. My immediate response was to learn everything he could about wealth. Once he had the knowledge, then he could begin formulating a strategy and work with a coach to build the wealth. But the knowledge needs to come first. Otherwise, if we do happen to get rich, the money is not likely to last.
I am most grateful to my mother who instilled in me an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. This is the greeted gift (other than life itself) that my mother gave me. It's this thirst for knowledge that drives me to teach others about wealth and how to attain it.
Warmest regards,
Atul Sikrai.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thinking Investment Think only wiTdom

Atul Sikrai :
The best investment practitioners, the ones who get results, rely not just on their instincts and experience but on the insights of the trailblazers in their field—the people who interpret, challenge, and even devise the strategies and tools that shape investment management. But when you're in the trenches—serving clients and running a business—the voices at the front can have trouble getting through, and you may sometimes wonder if your methods are as current as your clients deserve.
Strategies continue to be explored, and tactics can change almost as quickly as the markets.
So sit in on this remarkable think tank. Treat yourself to a compelling array of ideas—from the doggedly practical to the delightfully abstract—that will inform and stimulate your own thinking and reawaken the reasons you came to wiTdom investment advisory in the first place.